Sunday, September 2, 2012


Day 200

5 shots out of 5

Here we are, on the Sunday of a holiday weekend.  

We spent the afternoon at the local Art & Wine Festival.  Had a few beers, some good food and walked the Festival.  

Now my husband and oldest are off to game three of this weekends tournament, second oldest is watching Star Wars at the neighbors and the girls and I are hanging out here.

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  

I must say, I have made a cosmo in the past and didn't like it at all, so refused to include it into my Year of Cocktails until I found one that I liked.  

Guess what?!?!  

I found one I liked!!  

Tonight's cocktail comes from Pimp Daddy and I must Thank You Pimp Daddy for your recipe because I am enjoying this cocktail........a little too much!  

Each ingredient in tonight's cocktail blends together quite well with the others.  

The only thing I added to Pimp Daddy's recipe was the sugared rim to my martini glass.  

This will absolutely be my "Go To" cosmo recipe in the future!

(P.S., check out my new Contest & Giveaway tab!  I have my very first Giveaway for you!!)

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for a Cosmopolitan:

  • 2 oz cranberry juice
  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz triple sec

In a shaker add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake up you mixture well and strain it into a sugar rimmed martini glass.

Here's to great cosmos, great friends and sunshine!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Based on the other things you have liked, I was surprised to read you didn't like a Cosmo. This is also quite tasty using Cointreau instead of triple sec. The recipe I use is about the same but switch the quantities of orange/lime. Now that you mention it, I think I might go make some right now...

    1. Haha, you know years ago I had a Cosmo that I did like, but had no clue what ingredients were used and how much of them. Since then I haven't had one I liked and sort of gave up/forgot about them. I'm sooo happy to have been given this one though, and just may try out your version as well! Cheers!!

  2. wow I had forgotten about this one! Was my drink of choice when we went out till I discovered long island iced tea. I used to buy the premixed when I got lazy. Its pretty good too. Right now its hot so I am having a boiler maker! mm mm mm

    1. Those are both good calls in my book, Cosmo & Long Islands! A Boiler Maker? Is this a cocktail that The Cocktail Lady does not know of? Ha ha.

    2. I dunno if its a cocktail or not. hehe Its a beer with a shot of whiskey in it. Tastes great on a hot day. For something really fun try a beer with a shot of rootbeer schnapps! You will think you have died and gone to heaven. Would that be a beertail? lol

    3. Yup, it's an alcoholic beverage. I can't stand beer, so I have no intentions of ever trying one.

    4. A beertail, haha, that's a good one! I just may have to try one of those!
