Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Red Rooster

Day 6

2 shots out of 5

Tonight's drink in honor of New Orleans Fat Tuesday is a Red Rooster.  

One of my goals is to honor as many Holidays, States, Countries and Famous People as I can in my 365 days.  

Tonight is my very first cocktail in doing so.  

Tomorrow night will be my second, so stay tuned!!  

If you know of a popular cocktail that a holiday, state, country or famous person (will be honored on their birthday) is known for and you also know its recipe, please send it in to me at cocktailady@gmail.com and you may find it featured as one of my 365 cocktails!

You may ask why I chose the Red Rooster out of the many Fat Tuesday cocktails out there.  
The honest answer is, it was more or less one of the only Fat Tuesday cocktails that I could find that I already had all of the ingredients for at home.  

Today was a non-stop busy day here for me, so I didn't get a chance to plan out tonight's drink or run to the store to purchase any ingredients I didn't already have.  

I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5.  

I wasn't entirely impressed with its taste.  

I have a feeling the amount of ice that goes into the glass was a factor in me not being impressed with it.  

It's a super easy drink to make which is a plus, but I'd rather make something with twice as many ingredients and like it, then make this one and not really care to finish it.

Here is a photo of the end result:

red rooster cocktail, vodka, cranberry juice, orange juice, fat tuesday, mardi gras

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

red rooster cocktail, vodka, cranberry juice, orange juice, fat tuesday, mardi gras

Here's the recipe for a Red Rooster:

  • 2 shots vodka
  • 4 shots cranberry
  • 1/2 shot orange juice (yes just a 1/2.....odd)

Fill a tall glass up with ice.  In the glass I used, I filled it up to about a good inch and a half from the top.  Reason being, I wouldn't be able to stir all of the ingredients up if it was filled completely to the top with ice.  If I would have used a different glass, like my Husbands Hurricane I would have been able to fill it a bit higher.  Next you add the vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice.  Finally you simply stir it up and you're done.  

Now as you know all I "used" to drink was vodka crans, rum & cokes or beer.  I have to say, after only 6 days.....I no longer want to drink those cocktails.  Especially after drinking tonight's cocktail which was more or less a vodka cran, not including the 1/2 shot of orange juice.

Happy Fat Tuesday!

The Cocktail Lady


  1. I sort of tried this one over the weekend - the "sort of" means that I put a lot more OJ in than a half shot. It actually ended up tasting like a screwdriver, but was pink. When I get full strength cranberry, I might try this again, but the pink screwdriver was tasty :)

    1. I think your "sort of" sounds A LOT better then the actual recipe! Good call on the OJ!
