Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chocolate Covered Pretzel

Day 41

Chocolate Covered Pretzel
3.5 shots out of 5

Did you know that April 26th is National Pretzel Day?  

Well now you do! 

What are you going to do with that info you ask?

Drink a Chocolate Covered Pretzel of course!!  It's the perfect mix of sweet & salty!  

And it's a cocktail.......so it's a win-win!

Chocolate Covered Pretzel a sweet & salty mix.

WOW, there's another new liqueur that I had never tried, Frangelico!  

The bottle is the one that looks like the Mrs. Buttersworth Pancake Syrup bottle.  

I've always wondered what it tasted like and tonight, thanks to Gloria, I was finally able to find out!

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  

As you can see by my photo below, you need to salt the rim of your cocktail glass.......uh yea.......I salted it A BIT too much!  

I am the person who orders my margaritas with NO salt, therefore I did not know how much salt to add to this glass, I figured it would look really neat with some extra salt.  

Yea, extra salt for looks is one thing, it doesn't mean you should actually drink from it!  

After making a squinched up face from my first salty sip, I wiped a section off and tried it again.  

Not bad!!  

I'm not sure that it tastes like a pretzel, but whatever the taste, it's pretty good!  The Frangelico does have a chocolat-ey taste to it which is nice.

Thank You Gloria for your suggestion to make the Chocolate Covered Pretzel!  

Definitely a cocktail I never would have heard of if it wasn't for you!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

print recipe

Chocolate Covered Pretzel


  • 2 ounces whipped cream vodka
  • 2 ounces Frangelico


  1. In a shaker add ice, whipped cream vodka and Frangelico.
  2. Shake up well to mix both ingredients.
  3. Wet and salt rim of martini glass, then strain your cocktail into glass and enjoy!!
Created using The Recipes Generator

Cheers to you Gloria and to Chocolate Covered Pretzel cocktails!!

P.S. I'm digg'n the whipped cream vodka!!

The Cocktail Lady


  1. I like Frangelico but it is pretty sweet and I could not picture this as a chocolate pretzel. Having now tried it, I have to say the salt is essential. Perhaps not as much as you used, but *some* is definitely needed. I did not think it tasted anything like a pretzel when I drank just the liquid, but adding just a bit of salt to it made an enormous difference to the final taste. I'm curious, though, why your drink looks sort of brownish gray while mine was a light yellow.

    1. Yes the salt definitely does make a difference in the cocktail, you're right! I absolutely did use WAY too much of it, haha. I think my photo looks different then what yours looks like because of 2 reasons.
      1. My black backdrop may makes mine look a little darker.
      2. When I take my photos it's literally right after I pour my cocktails. When I'm using a shaker, my husband told me at the beginning of my 365 day blog that I don't shake my cocktails in my shaker long enough or hard enough to get the cocktail REALLY cold. So I tell you I shake that shaker REALLY WELL! My cocktail in the photo hasn't settled yet, what you're seeing is the extra unsettled mixture of the two alcohols. You can see it in some of my other photos too, like the Gilligan or the After Sex (I'm sure there's more of them too). If you click on their photos it should open them up into another page where the photos are larger. You can see that the cocktails aren't one solid color yet. They just need to settle. Perhaps I should tone down my shaking a bit? :)

  2. So I tried this drink but used Chocolate Whipped Vodka and YUM!! With just a lite coating of salt! again YUM!! Thanks!!!

    1. Chocolate Whipped Vodka? Didn't know they had that one! That sounds like it would make this cocktail taste a lot better! Nice work! Cheers!!

    2. Believe it or not I bar tended in Spain for a couple years and my good friend Gato brought me over a bottle of frangelica from Duty Free and I mixed it with chocolate flavored vodka. It wasn't until I took the recipe to Miami and they added salt. I moved to D.C for a few months so if your ever in town stop by my bar. Happy New Year

  3. I am a huge chocolate covered pretzel fan and Ive actually done this recipe before only used chocolate whipped and creme de cocoa..so good

  4. Dip the rim of glass in chocolate then dip in salt....definote plus

  5. Had one last night, glass was dipped in chocolate syrup first then sea salt. Best martini ever.

  6. We do these as shots and put the salt right on your hand like dong tequila.

    1. That sounds like a good way to take the salt too! =)

  7. Wow! What a pretty drink! So cool that you can make it a chocolate covered pretzel flavor. I don't drink alcohol but I love chocolate covered pretzels.

  8. I don't ever drink martinis, but this sounds so good!
