Wednesday, March 21, 2012

French Martini

Day 35

French Martini
4.5 shots out of 5


I like this one!!  

I was at Safeway tonight buying a "quick" dinner for my family and decided to take a trip down the alcohol isle.  

Up on the top shelf I found a bottle of Chambord and just had to buy it!  

I have a few cocktails that I want to make that have Black Raspberry Liqueur as one of the ingredients, so this was a no-brainer buy.

On the little tag that comes on the bottle was a recipe for tonight's cocktail the French Martini, which I gave 4.5 shots out of 5 to.  

WOW, the Chambord really gives this cocktail a different taste and I LIKE IT!!!!  

The foam that sits on top is a nice treat too.  

I keep on taking sips expecting to all of the sudden shutter and not like it (not quite sure why?), but I am continuing to really enjoy this cocktail! 

I have a feeling that you will be seeing a few more cocktails with Chambord in it in the future.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's the recipe for tonight's cocktail:

  • 1 1/2 shots vodka
  • 1/2 shot Chambord
  • 2 shots pineapple juice

In a shaker, add ice, vodka, Chambord and pineapple juice.  Shake it up really well to get that foamy top.  Strain your cocktail into a martini glass and enjoy!

Here's to Chambord and their yummy Black Raspberry Liqueur!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. This sounds delicious! I am going to have to try this one. Thanks Cocktail Lady, I enjoy reading your blog! :)

  2. Oh good! Let me know what you think about it when you do! Thank You! Cheers!!

  3. I finally bought some Chambord to try this. It was neither as sweet nor was the raspberry as strong a flavor as I'd expected. It sure did get foamy! I'm not sure I would have given it quite as high a score as you did, since I would have liked a more pronounced raspberry, but I'm glad I tried it. Perhaps I'll mess around with the proportions a little. :)

    1. Oh I'm glad you tried it! Yes, this cocktail was more of a smooth tasting cocktail instead of a sweet one. I've noticed that the pineapple juice really foams up more then I ever thought it would. I've noticed it in just about all of the cocktails I've made with it as an ingredient (when shaken). YES, play around with the proportions to make it taste better to you definitely. I'm glad you bought the Chambord, have fun with it......I know I am!!
