Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Georgia Peach Cocktail

Day 34

Georgia Peach
5 shots out of 5

I did it!!  

OK, so what did I do?  

Well I found the recipe for a Georgia Peach in my bartenders book as well as tons of different ones online.  

In all of the confusion, I tried the one in my bartenders book......thought it was ok, and amended it just a little.  

My product, something that actually does taste like a peach AND it's yummy!!!!

This cocktail makes me want it to be summer already!  

What a refreshing cocktail!  

If ever you're in the mood for a cocktail, but don't want it to be too alcoholy or have that vodkaey taste to it, reach for a Georgia Peach!  

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5 because it's light, refreshing and it has that "Oh Yea, I forgot how yummy peaches are" taste to it!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Georgia Peach cocktail, peach schnapps, cranberry juice orange juice

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Georgia Peach cocktail, peach schnapps, cranberry juice orange juice

Here is the recipe for the Georgia Peach:

  • 1 shot peach schnapps
  • 1 1/2 shots cranberry juice
  • 1/2 shot orange juice

Fill a highball glass 3/4 the way to the top with ice.  Add the peach schnaps, cranberry juice and orange juice.  Stir up your cocktail, sit back and enjoy!!

Mmmmm, hope you all enjoy this one as much as I am!!  


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Replies
    1. Anytime! Come on up tonight or tomorrow or whenever =)

  2. I made this last night as a less alcoholic Sunday night cocktail - I liked it a lot. The peach schnapps is the prevailing taste in both this the fuzzy navel cocktail, so they tasted pretty similar to me. Thanks for trying out all these cocktails and posting them. It's expanded my horizons (and my liquor cabinet :).

    1. Oh good I'm glad you liked it! Yes the peach schnapps definitely does sort of take over the taste of some of these cocktails. I'm having fun trying all of these different cocktails and get excited when I get you all to try them and give me your thoughts on them too!

  3. I'll be trying this tonight - can't wait!! I'll post back with what we thought of it!

    1. I can't wait to hear what you ladies think of it! Cheers!!

    2. We altered it slightly, because I picked up some cake-flavored vodka, and we wanted to try that. We used half the amount of shnapps and added an equal amount of the cake vodka - it was loved by all! I was anticipating it'd taste like peach cobbler, but frankly I couldn't really detect any 'cake' flavor from the vodka, but it was still outstanding! Thanks for creating this website - I can't wait to try more of your recipes!

    3. Oh good I'm glad you all liked it!! That sucks that the cake vodka didn't taste very cakey! Which brand vodka did you get? I'm looking forward to you trying more of these recipes along with me too!! I love hearing feedback on the cocktails I've made. Glad your ladies night went well! Cheers!

  4. I think this is my favorite so far!!! My husband, who's not a drinker at all, actually liked this one! I enjoy the peach schnapps in it a lot! I like the fact I can hit the cranberry juice or peach schnapps and it will bring me to all the drinks you have with that in it. I would love it if you had that option on the blog so while I'm trying new stuff i can plug in what i have and it will bring me to it. Thanks and keep making more stuff for me to enjoy on my Saturday night!!

    1. I'm sooo glad you like this cocktail! I like the peach schnapps in it too. I had actually gone back one day and tagged each and every ingredient in each and every cocktail on here so that it would make finding each cocktails ingredients that much easier. I'm glad that you like that!
      Being able to type in all of the ingredients you have on the other hand, might be a bit trickier. I'm not sure that I could do that with tags, but maybe there's an app or something that I can find that will do that, because THAT would be an awesome tool!! Cheers!!
