Monday, April 23, 2012

Chai Berry Martini

Day 68

Chai Berry Martini
4.5 shots out of 5

Welcome to my blog Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur!  This liqueur is very very yummy!  I had never heard of it until Trisha emailed me about it.  Unfortunately it is not yet distributed in my state, so I was unable to go to my local liquor or grocery store and purchase it.  I then decided to email the manufacturer and find out how I can get a bottle of it so that I could try it and blog about it.  I honestly didn't think I would get an email back, but within an hour I checked my inbox and not only had I received an email back from the company stating that they would send me a bottle of their Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur, then even said that they would send me a bottle of their Spiced Rum to try as well!!  I promised to try and blog about them both, and you can find my review for each of their two items they sent me on my Product Review tab.

I gave tonight's cocktail 4.5 shots out of 5.  I really like the flavors I taste in this cocktail!  The three ingredients compliment each other quite well.  I would love to try this liqueur in other cocktails as well, so stay tuned for that!  This martini is definitely creamy and I have to say I have not had one like this before.  Most of the martini's I make are fruity and not creamy, but this is a nice change.  Thank You Trisha for sparking my interest in finding and trying this cream liqueur!  I am enjoying it a lot!

Here is the recipe for a Chai Berry Martini:

  • 1 shot vanilla vodka
  • 2 shots Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur
  • 1 shot Chambord
In a shaker add ice, vanilla vodka, Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur and Chambord.  Shake it up real well so that everything blends together real good.  Strain your cocktail into a chilled martini glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

I want to say a big Thank You to the people who made tonight's cocktail happen.  Your Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur is amazingly good!!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Had this one as a dessert tonight :) At first taste, I had a stronger hit of Chambord which made it taste a bit like cough syrup but after that, I think I liked this one better than Hazelnut Heaven. I think I'm becoming a fan of Voyant!

    1. I hate it when that happens! I'm glad the rest of the cocktail tasted good though! I'm a HUGE fan of Voyant too!!
