Thursday, April 12, 2012

PB&J Martini

Day 57

PB&J Martini (Peanut Butter and Jelly)
3.5 shots out of 5

It's like a race against time here!!  

It's storming outside, total thunder and lightening!  

My friend Steph (The Crockpot Lady) called to tell me that the news said that we may have a power outage, so I'm mixing, shaking, straining, drinking and blogging as fast as my fingers can!  

My 4 kids are all standing by the windows announcing when they see yet another lightening bolt.....which I must say they're coming faster and faster!

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  

Next time I think I will cut back the amount of vodka in this cocktail, which I think I'd like a bit better.  

The flavor the PB&J is good, (ok that last lightening bolt was right outside our faster, blog faster!) so I think I'll definitely make my tweeked version again!  

For those who like their martinis with a bit of flavor, I think you'll definitely like this cocktail!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for the PB&J:

  • 2 shots vodka
  • 1/2 shot hazelnut liqueur (frangelico)
  • 1/2 shot Chambord
  • 1/4 shot Butterscotch Schnapps
  • dash of milk

In a shaker, add ice, vodka, hazelnut liqueur, chambord, butterscotch schnapps and milk.  Shake it up real good to get everything mixed up.  In a chilled martini glass strain your cocktail and enjoy!

Cheers to PB&J making it into the martini world!!  Now I have to go join my family (yes my husband is getting very excited about seeing the lightening too) in watching the lightening and listening to the thunder!

The Cocktail Lady


  1. How far would you cut the vodka? all the way down to just 1 shot, or leave it at 1.5?

    1. I think I would try 1 1/2 shots, just to take the bite off so that I can thoroughly enjoy the flavor.

  2. I have to get some Chambord you seem to use that in a lot of recipes and I don't have any. I was going to try and make the drinks along with you but sure didn't have enough ingredients. I will try and catch up...however not in the same day. lol

    1. You're right I do! I'm amazed at how many cocktails call for it! This stuff is pretty darn good! I'd love to hear about which ones you've tried and what you've thought! Take your time trying them, haha. Hope you have a good one tonight! Cheers!!

  3. I hate martinis, but I loooove PBJ. I may have to try this one.

    And just to be a brat, it's spelled "lightning". No "e". :)

    1. Yea I'm not big on the vodka (or whatever main alcohol you're making them with) taste of martinis, but as long as there's enough flavoring in it, I'm ok with it.

      You are absolutely right! There is no "e" in lightning! Oh, I always find other people mistakes like that and it drives me nuts.....and here I go and do it! Thank You and nice catch!! Cheers!!

  4. I make this at my restaurant but I do it a little different. If you look at yousr there is no flare or splash so to speak ,it looks plain and ordinary. First of all smuckers makes whats called Plate Scrapers. Used mainly for desserts for the plate for presentation purposes.They have chocolate ,carmel and vanilla as well. I take the Smuckers Grape Plate scraper and make a design in the Martini Glass, then I add real Peanut Butter in the shaker large spoonful of PB, with frangelico, as well as an orange colored Hazelnut liquoer, Chambord, Buttershots,vodka and cream, stir until real peanut butter is mixed in nice and smooth then add ice,stir a little more, strain in Martini glass. it looks more like a tan creamy color than a milky violet as in yours and taste amazing and great after dinner drink in place of dessert.

    1. WOW!! That does sound amazing!! Your restaurant doesn't happen to be in California does it? Those Smuckers Plate Scrapers sound perfect for kicking cocktails up a few notches! I've never seen them before, where do you get them at? Thank You for your comment!
