Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chai Colada

Day 202

Chai Colada
5 shots out of 5

We're back in the swing of things this week with the boys second week of school and our oldest girl having a very successful first day of Tiny Tots!  

She did not stop rambling on and on about it all day!  

All in all, today was a good day!

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  

Tonight I was able to pull out my blender again!  I haven't done that in quite some time.  

Another great cocktail from the people at Voyant Chai!  

The Chai Cream Liqueur I could just drink by itself..........oh wait that's right.......I have already!  

Mixing the Chai Cream Liqueur with the cream of coconut and the pineapple juice........brilliant!! 

I stuck a straw in this one and had to remember half way through my cocktail to turn around and let my husband take a big sip, otherwise it would have been gone in no time!  

If you are in a state where they sell Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur I highly suggest you buy some and try some of their recipes!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for a Chai Colada:

  • 2 1/2 oz Voyant Chai Cream Liqueur
  • 7/8 oz cream of coconut (I know, 7/8.....lame, but I had to half their recipe and then half it again)
  • 7/8 oz pineapple juice (I know......again with the 7/8...just eyeball it, make it right below the 1 oz mark)
In a blender add a cup of ice and all of the ingredients above.  Blend until all of the ice is gone and enjoy!!

Here's to another amazing cocktail from Voyant!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. They don't sell that stuff in my state, either, but this sounds good. The 7/8 oz thing was an excellent brain teaser for my kid, though. I knew simply increasing them to 1 oz meant the Chai needed to increase by more than 2/8 (1 per ingredient) but wasn't sure off the top of my head how much difference it would be. Per his math - which I have not double-checked but it sounds about where I was guessing - is that the Chai would be 2.857 ounces if you bumped up the others to an even 1 ounce. Not much better... but if I were able to try it, I would think in the middle between 3/4 and 1 ounce for one measurement would be easier than trying to get 7/8 ounce on two measurements. Then again, I would probably just round it up to 1/1/3 ounces and figure it close enough! :)

    1. Ha ha! And you know I can't guarantee that each were 7/8 oz........one may have been 1 oz, haha. Thank goodness we have kids that can do the math for us!

    2. Can always order it online from retailers such as www.drinkupny.com or www.astorwine.com

    3. Thank You Robert! You are absolutely right, the Voyant Chai Creme Liqueur can be purchased online if it is not sold in your state, and believe me, it's worth it!!
