Saturday, September 8, 2012

Red Headed Slut

Day 206

Red Headed Slut
2.5 shots out of 5

Happy Saturday!  

2 soccer games and a baseball game's defiantly cocktail time!  

Our weekends are officially chaotic.....not that they weren't before, they're just extra chaotic now.  

I wouldn't have it any other way.....I actually dread the days when the kids are grown and we don't have a million things to do on the weekends....or do I?

I gave tonight's cocktail 2.5 shots out of 5.  

At first I thought....hmmmm, not terribly bad......then came the aftertaste.  


I was initially going to give this shooter a 3, but that aftertaste ruined that rating.  

The fact that the Jager is the one thing I can taste the most makes me not like this shot too much.  

Jager in other cocktails is good, don't get me wrong...just not this one.  

The color of this shooter is crazy though, the mix of the Jager and the cranberry juice is a color all of it's own.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for a Red Headed Slut:

  • 1 oz Jagermeister
  • 1 oz peach schnapps
  • 1/4 oz cranberry juice

In a shaker add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake it up real good and strain it into a shot glass.

Here's to a well deserved cocktail hour/s on a Saturday night!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Aftertaste, huh? Good thing I stuck with a tired and true Manhattan last night, although it was made with blackberry flavored whiskey instead of my usual bourbon.

    I'm betting your nasty shot would improve if the Jager was halved and the cranberry were upped a bit.

    Peace, Mari

    1. I think you are absolutely right! I think I would have really liked it and it would not have had that aftertaste otherwise! You know my tastes well =)

    2. oooo Manhattan with blackberry??? That's a must try! No thank you to the Jager. And as for the dreading of the quiet when they are all grown up? Believe me it doesn't happen. There are more grand-kids then there ever was kids so quiet weekends are not an option. Or weekdays!

    3. I have a feeling you're right Stacy. I am an only child and gave my parents 4 boy am I in for it, haha. The only thing I'll have going for me is the classic grandparent saying, "I get to play with them and then send them home!", haha.
