Friday, September 14, 2012

Vinturi Spirit Aerator

Vinturi Spirit Aerator

I was sent a free product to review in exchange for my honest opinion.  All views in this post are mine and I was not compensated for them in any way.

I was sent a Vinturi Spirit Aerator to try out and review.  Now I've heard about wine aerators (which Vinturi sells as well, one for red wine and another for white wine), but never an aerator for spirits!  Obviously this kind of thing gets me excited......being The Cocktail Lady and all.

I received my package in the mail, opened it up and this is what I got:

This Vinturi Spirit Aerator is a very good looking addition to my bar!  I love the way it looks.  If you look on the right side of the top of the aerator you will see little lines.  Those are actually measuring lines.  To right below the top of the bowl is 2 oz., the line below that is 1 1/2 oz and the line below that is 1 oz.  Pretty clever!  OK, OK, so it looks good, let's see how this thing works.

I decided to test it out with a very yummy flavorful spiced rum that I have.  Now I really like the flavor of this rum as it is out of the bottle, so I was curious to see how much more I would or would not like it after I ran it through the Vinturi Spirit Aerator.

WOW!!  I have to admit that this rum with all of it's flavor and goodness, after being run through this aerator has even MORE flavor.  What I mean is that I can still taste the different flavors in the rum, but using the aerator intensifies each flavor!  It's amazing how happens.  I always knew that you should allow your red wine to "breathe" before you can enjoy it, but I didn't realize that alcohol is able to do the same thing as well.

I think this is a great item to have especially for those of you who enjoy your spirits by themselves.  I think using this aerator in mixed cocktails would work good as well.  If you are or know of someone who enjoys their spirits, this aerator would be a great gift!

Now that you've heard what I thought about the Vinturi Spirit Aerator, why don't you try and win one for yourself?!

That's right, Vinturi wants to send one of my lucky readers their very own Vinturi Spirit Aerator!! Go to my Contests & Giveaways page and follow the link to my Vinturi Spirit Aerator Giveaway!!


The Cocktail Lady

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