Monday, November 19, 2012

Beam Me Up Scotty

Day 278

Beam Me Up Scotty
4 shots out of 5

Three more days until Thanksgiving!!  

We're celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday and Friday, so I get to make my De-Licious mashed potatoes twice.......I can't wait!  

If you'd like my recipe for my creamy mashed potatoes send me an email at

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  

This shooter goes down pretty smooth.  

I get excited when I get to add creme de banana in......well......anything!  

Tonight was no exception.  

In this shooter the Baileys and creme de banana blend together as the first taste and then the Kahlua is the kicker at the end.  It's a good shooter and....did you notice my awesome layering skills?  

Have I come a long way or what! 

I found this recipe here at, I've got to say I've found a lot of good recipes there throughout my blog.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for a Beam Me Up Scotty:

  • 1/2 ounce coffee liqueur
  • 1/2 ounce creme de banana
  • 1/2 ounce Irish cream

In a shot glass layer each of your ingredients.  First pour in your coffee liqueur, then your creme de banana and last your Irish cream.

Here's to memories of watching Star Trek when I was a kid!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Impressive layering! Woohoo! :)

  2. How do you layer!?

    1. It's tricky at first let me tell you.

      Your first layer(bottom layer) is easy because all you do is pour.

      The next and all following layers take a little time and patience. You need to take a spoon and flip it over so that the bottom of the spoon part is upwards (so that the spoon looks like a rainbow, not a bowl). Put the tip of the rainbow part into the glass, having it actually touch the glass and hold it right above the previous layer.

      Slowly pour in your next layer on the back of that spoon, slowly raising your spoon so that it doesn't touch what is already in your glass.

      Repeat as many times as you have layers. Some of these liquids will separate a little on their own, so if you start to see a little mixing you may still be ok.

  3. Parties at your house must be fantastic! :) Cheers to creativity! Thanks for sharing this one as well at #theWeekendSocial Pinned!
