Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Day 273

5 shots out of 5

When you think of Thanksgiving and Turkey, you think Butterball.  

Whether you have a Butterball turkey or not, it's one of the most common brands.  

Now, you can have a Butterball without the fuss.  Two simple ingredients.  That's it!

Our youngest turns 2 today!  WOW, I can't believe it.  

Our last baby isn't a baby anymore.  These last two years have flown by.  We're celebrating with Chinese food, cake and the movie Brave!

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  

YUMMMM!!!!  I like this shooter.  

When ever I make a shooter I have to stare it down and convince myself that it's not tequila and it will not make me gag.  

Lame, I know, but after my "not so wonderful" tequila experience......taking a shot of anything is a challenge for me.  

These two ingredients in tonight's cocktail go perfectly together to give this a buttery delicious taste.  

I would make a few of these on Thanksgiving to start the night off with family and friends for sure.  

Here is a photo of the end result:

Butterball shot, amaretto, butterscotch schnapps, thanksgiving cocktail, fall cocktail, autumn cocktail

You can "sort of" see the layers in this one:

Butterball shot, amaretto, butterscotch schnapps, thanksgiving cocktail, fall cocktail, autumn cocktail

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for a Butterball:

  • 3/4 oz amaretto
  • 3/4 oz butterscotch schnapps

In a shot glass, pour in your amaretto.  Then carefully layer the butterscotch schnapps on top.  It's super hard to see the layers.......I'm not totally convinced that they're completely layered, but that doesn't even matter because this shooter tastes delicious!!

Here's to our last baby turning 2, not onto a super delicious dinner and movie!


The Cocktail Lady

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