Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Day 280

5 shots out of 5

Happy Day before Thanksgiving!  

There's no denying it now, Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  

The boys got out of school early today and our oldest has a couple friends over to hang out and have dinner before they go home.  

Now, there has been a lot going on in the Twinkie world lately and my friends at Pinnacle had tweeted a recipe for a Twinkie cocktail.  

I unfortunately did not have both flavors of vodka in the Pinnacle brand, so I used what I had........hopefully they won't be mad at me.

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  

This cocktail grows on you quite quickly.  

This cocktail smells amazing for starters.  

Since it's mostly vodka, I think I talked myself into thinking that the first sip tasted like vodka.  

Each and every sip after that one tasted delicious, sweet and more or less reminded me of a Twinkie!  So if you're feeling nostalgic and you simply can not find a Twinkie at the store (like me), then make yourself one of these and I think you'll definitely be happy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Twinkie martini cocktail

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Twinkie martini cocktail

Here is the recipe for a Twinkie:

  • 2 oz whipped vodka
  • 1 oz cake vodka
  • 1/4 oz simple syrup
  • 2-3 drops vanilla extract (I say 2-3 because I am 99% sure I used 3, but if it was 2, I don't want to lie)

In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain your cocktail into a martini glass and enjoy!!

Here's to enjoying a Twinkie dessert as a kid and a Twinkie cocktail as an adult!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. I was lucky enough to have one of these last night and it was AMAZING. I can't stop thinking about it!
    It definitely has an alcohol flavor, but a good one--- like a really really good martini.

    this is a winner, Jen! happy Thanksgiving! oxoxoxo

  2. Is it time to have another one? =)

  3. Wow! This drink looks tasty! I really want to try this!

  4. I'm not a huge fan of Twinkies, but maybe I'd like the alcoholic version, haha!

  5. The title got me especially since your blog is about cocktails! Liquid Twinkie = delicious! I really like the whipped cream Smirnoff and the Pinnacle cake vodka so this has to be good! Definitely will try it.

  6. Twinkie is such a cute name for a cocktail. I love vodka based cocktails!
