Sunday, December 9, 2012


Day 298

2.5 shots out of 5

Christmas lights are going up as I type!  Super exciting.  All four (yes all of them) kids are at my folks house making ginger bread houses, which they love to do.  I just made and finished my shooter for today, as well as made my husbands "revised" version of my Lemon Drop (check my first comment for the recipe) to wash out the taste of tonight's cocktail from my mouth.  Is it too early for a second.....or I guess this would be a third, cocktail today?

I gave tonight's today's cocktail 2.5 shots out of 5.  I found this recipe at Barnonedrinks.  On Friday night I went to my first holiday part of the season, where my friend who hosted it had a bottle of Root Beer Schnapps that she said she would never use and that I should take it home for my blog......OK!!!!  I found a handful of cocktails that use the schnapps and decided to start with a shooter.  I can taste the rum the most in this shooter, which makes it not so enjoyable.  I think the root beer schnapps needs to have a bigger ratio in this cocktail to make it taste better.

Here is the recipe for a Buckshot:

  • 3/4 oz root beer schnapps
  • 3/4 oz rum
In a shaker with ice, pour in your ingredients and stir it up well.  Strain your cocktail into a shot glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Strike one with the root beer schnapps.  Stay tuned for more attempts!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Every time I see that root beer stuff, I wonder what in the world could be done with it. The uses just seem so limited.

    1. I know me too, I totally agree! That's why I haven't purchased it yet. I'm not sure I would have either unless someone had promised me the best cocktail ever. I'm just grateful that my friend gave me hers, ha ha.

  2. Root Beer Schnapps is interesting-- i think it must be calling out for vanilla, perhaps vanilla or whipped cream vodka would go well with it, along with something else, to make a float flavored drink.

    1. I totally agree! I found one with vodka and vanilla extract that sounds like it would be better then tonight's. I'll still try a few more to see if I can find something that I like. =)
