Saturday, December 8, 2012

Peachy Beer Cocktail

Day 297

Peachy Beer Cocktail
1 shot out of 5

Happy Saturday.  Unfortunately the rating of tonight's cocktail reflects the way my day has gone.  Can I get a re-do?  Oh well, I think we need to have bad days to appreciate the good ones.  I think I'll just go grab myself a beer when tonight's blog is done and make some tacos for dinner.  Sounds like a good plan to me.

I gave tonight's cocktail 1 shot out of 5.  I found this recipe at the Dekuyper website.  I guess I believed in Faith, Trust and some Pixie Dust to magically make tonight's cocktail taste a hell of a lot better then it sounded.  Unfortunately......there are some things that those three ingredients can not fix.  If anyone ever tells you that they found a great new recipe that they want to try out, and somewhere in that sentence the words "Peachy Beer Cocktail" are mentioned......politely.....or not so, whichever works for you......decline.

Here is the recipe for a Peachy Beer Cocktail:

  • 4 oz peach schnapps
  • 12 oz wheat beer
In a tall beer glass add your peach schnapps and then pour in your beer.  Give it a good stir and then go dump it in the sink......or drink it, whichever works for you.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to tomorrow being a brand new day!


The Cocktail Lady

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