Thursday, January 3, 2013

Blow Job

Day 323

Blow Job
4 shots out of 5

The every so popular Blow Job shot is a fun shot to watch people do as well as very delicious to drink yourself!

blow job shot, kahlua, Baileys, Irish Cream Liqueur, cocktail, blow job image, blow job photo, blow job picture

I totally will admit that I sort of miss making the holiday cocktails I got to make last month.  

I do know that there are many more cocktails out there that need to be made though, so onward and upward.  

Happy 3rd of January.  

Today my oldest left on a six day trip with some of his classmates heading across the country.......I am a sad Mama today, but totally excited for him and his many adventures he will be having.

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  

I have ordered these for friends and seem them before, yet never tried one.  

Part because of the name and knowing that if I was to order one for myself, that at the exact moment I was to yell it to the bartender the entire bar would go quiet and I would look like a perv.  

The other reason why I haven't ordered one yet is because from time to time I have these "not so coordinated" moments in life and I just know that because of the way you are supposed to drink this shot....with your mouth only putting your hands behind your back.......yea that thing would be all over me and the floor and.....well just everywhere.  

A huge mess.  

Instead I made it tonight in the comfort of my own home and totally shot it like a regular shot (sorry, didn't want to clean up after myself).  

I did like this shooter and the whipped cream on top added to its yumminess.

Here is a photo of the end result:

blow job shot, kahlua, Baileys, Irish Cream Liqueur, cocktail, blow job image, blow job photo, blow job picture

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

blow job shot, kahlua, Baileys, Irish Cream Liqueur, cocktail

Here is the recipe for a Blow Job:

  • 3/4 oz Kahlua
  • 3/4 oz Baileys
  • whipped cream 
In a shot glass, pour in your Kahlua first and then layer your Baileys on top.  Finish it off with some whipped cream and if you're brave enough, drink it with your mouth only!

Here's to finally trying tonight's shooter.


The Cocktail Lady


  1. It tastes great, but I would never do this the "right way" in a public setting. It's a little uncomfortable to watch other people drink it that way! Or maybe I just have bawdy friends who like to play it out to the fullest... ahem.

  2. Minus the whipped cream, we call that a Baby Guinness over here in Ireland. A Blow Job shot is Baileys with something that will curdle the Baileys slightly, to give it a 'texture' :/ I think that's also called a Cement Mixer as well.

    1. Thank You for your comment! I have done a Baby Guiness on here as well, but the recipe I found had more Kahlua and less Baileys, it was delicious though! =)

      That's hilarious about adding something to curdle the Baileys slightly! Too funny. Let me know if you have a favorite recipe you'd like me to try. Cheers!!

    2. What do you put in it to curdle it and how much? Receipe?

  3. I cant get mine to not mix. I cant layer. Pls help

    1. It took me some time to figure it out at first too! The trick is the turn your spoon upside down so the the curved part is on top.
      Then put the end/tip of the spoon against the side of the glass just above the Kahlua.
      Next you "slowly" pour the Baileys down the back of the spoon (right at the middle of the curved part). This will achieve the layered effect.
      If you go too fast it could mix a bit. Some liquids are easier to layer than others. It really depends on the weight of each liquid.
      I hope that helps! Xoxo

  4. Hi, we had a baby Guinness in Edinburgh it's a black sambuca with bailey's floated on top, yummy ! It swirls around slightly sometimes and looks a bit Harry Potter, you have got to try it ��

  5. This looks delicious!! I always have problems layering, I always make a mess, but it's still good, so that's okay lol. I don't think I could drink it using only my mouth, I am way too clumsy for that!

  6. Ooh! These look delicious! Gonna try this next time I make cocktails.

  7. Yum! This looks delicious! I’m totally going to add this to my cocktail list!

  8. Pour the Bailey's with a spoon and it won't separate.great shot
