Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bohemia Michelada

Day 361

Bohemia Michelada
3 shots out of 5

I was given product to sample.  I was not paid for this post and all views and opinions are my own.

I received a six pack of Bohemia beer in the mail on Saturday so that I could try out one of their signature cocktails.  I was very excited when it came, as I do love beer!  

I have found that over my years of beer drinking, my tastes have widened and I now like a lot of beers that I had sworn off in the past.  

I am quite proud of myself for that I must say.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3 shots out of 5.  

When I was reading the ingredients for this cocktail, it kind of sounded like a Bloody Mary but instead of the tomato juice you substitute it with beer.  

Quite interesting I must say.  

I gave this cocktail a 3 because the flavor of the cocktail was quite good, then only thing that I could not handle was the HEAT from the other ingredients.  My husband on the other hand (who likes spicy things) really likes this cocktail, especially the heat. 

I will say that the Bohemia beer that they had sent me is pretty darn good!  It is a lighter beer with a taste all of it's own.  

This beer actually has more flavor then some of your light beers and if I had a choice of Bohemia or Corona, I'd choose this one hands down.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here are photos of the beer that I received in the mail:

Bohemia beer

Bohemia beer

Here is the recipe for a Bohemia Michelada:

  • 1 bottle of Bohemia beer
  • 2 oz lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 tsp hot sauce
  • kosher salt (I used my margarita salt)
  • a lime wedge 

Wet the rim of your beer glass with your lime wedge and rim it with kosher salt.  Next pour in your lime juice, worcestershire sauce and hot sauce.  Fill the rest of the glass with Bohemia beer and stir to mix, be careful not to go crazy stirring so that you don't get your beer to foam up.

Thank You to Veronica for sending me out this six pack of beer!  My husband is currently finishing off this Bohemia Michelada as I type, he REALLY likes it!


The Cocktail Lady

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