Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bananas Foster (Fireball Version)

It's Wednesday, Day 3 of my "5 Days Of Fireball".  

Tonight we have our second oldest's Open House at school.  He is excited to go and very excited to check out the 5th grade classrooms for next year.  He already knows who he wants as his teacher, so we will cross our fingers and hope he gets his choice.  

Tonight is a good opportunity to show our oldest daughter the kindergarten classrooms as well.  

Yes......3 of 4 will be starting kindergarten in the fall...breathe.....just breathe......can you tell it's all happening a little too quickly for us?

Today I am making Fireball's Banana Foster shooter.  

I have to admit that I have been looking forward to trying this one out for a while now......yes solely because it has banana liqueur in it.  

In this shooter the Fireball is the main thing you will taste.  I absolutely do taste the banana liqueur (phewph) as well, which is a very nice compliment to the Fireball.  The whipped cream vodka adds a creamy smoothness to it, which works perfectly this cocktail.  

All in all it was a good shooter......personally I would cut back a little with the Fireball so that it wasn't as overwhelming as it was.....but I did enjoy it.

Here is a photo of the end result:

bananas foster cocktail shot, fireball whisky, cinnamon whisky, banana liqueur, whipped vodka

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

bananas foster cocktail shot, fireball whisky, cinnamon whisky, banana liqueur, whipped vodka

Here is the recipe for a Banana Foster:

  • 1/2 ounce Fireball Whisky
  • 1/2 ounce banana liqueur
  • 1/2 ounce whipped vodka

In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a shot glass.

Here is to Day 3 of my 5 days mission.  I am having fun and I hope you are all enjoying it as well.


The Cocktail Lady


  1. I'm waiting until all your Fireball cocktails are posted before I decide which one to try. I have about 1 drink's worth of Fireball left, and I hope to choose the right one for my taste :) Thanks!

    1. Good idea! Can't wait to find out which one you try!
