Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tennessee Apple

Welcome back for Day 2 of my "5 Days Of Fireball".  

Tonight I have a softball game, which should be a lot of fun.  I absolutely look forward to my Tuesday nights out with the girls on the field.....as well as the beers we have afterwords.  

For that reason, I am doing this post earlier in the day then I did yesterdays.....I do want to be able to see the ball when it's being pitched to me.

What's on the menu for Day 2 you ask?  

Well a Tennessee Apple of course.  

I will say that this little shooter does taste like a sour, cinnamon-ey apple for sure.  

The sour apple flavor does come out stronger then I thought it might, which is a good thing.  

These three ingredients together are a nice blend when you shoot it.  

I will admit that about a minute (or less) after I shot this cocktail...I did in fact make "That Face".....you know the one.  

The face where you take a shot and then inside your head you say, "I got this" and you confidently lay down your shot glass.  Then......all of the sudden.....you feel the shudder creeping up your spine and the next thing you know, you're making "That Face".  

Yup....I made it.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Tennessee Apple cocktail, fireball whisky, cinnamon whisky, sour apple schnapps, cranberry juice

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Tennessee Apple cocktail, fireball whisky, cinnamon whisky, sour apple schnapps, cranberry juice

Here is the recipe for a Tennessee Apple:

  • 1 1/2 ounces Fireball Whisky
  • 1 ounce sour apple schnapps
  • 1/2 ounce cranberry juice

In a shaker, add ice and the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a shot glass.

Here is to Day 2 of my "5 Days Of Fireball".  


The Cocktail Lady


  1. I wanted to like this, I really did, but... I'd say the 3.5 star rating is pretty accurate.

  2. I normally drink Washington apple and ran out of crown so I found this which is very close but with fireball (which I had) and better than I expected but I’d agree with 3.5 star
