Thursday, July 24, 2014

Brave Bull

Happy National Tequila Day!!  

It's Thursday and today I feel like I "finally" was able to accomplish a lot of the stuff that I have wanted to do before the weekend.  

Don't get me wrong I still have a long list of stuff to do, but the stuff I have done was the BIG stuff, so yeay for a productive day!!

When most of us think "tequila" we think margaritas!!  

Well at least I do....  That is why I wanted to stray away from the margarita (and many delicious flavors they bring) and give you a different kind of tequila.  


This cocktail is NOT one that I would ever wish upon my enemy....ok, well.....maybe just to see their face when they drank it.  

If you don't know, I am NOT a tequila all.  

I can drink it in a mixed drink where the "main" flavor is NOT tequila, but I can not take a shot of all.  

Bad experience in my younger years has ruined tequila for me, yuck!

This cocktail, if you haven't guessed already, is mostly a tequila tasting one.  

I really wish that the Kahlua had more presence in it, but it doesn't, boo.  

I wouldn't recommend it, but I'm sure there are those of you out there who really do enjoy tequila.....if you are a Brave enough Bull, go ahead and try it!  If you do, please let me know what you think of it!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is the recipe for a Brave Bull:

  • 2 ounces tequila (silver)
  • 1 ounce Kahlua

In a short cocktail glass filled with ice, pour in your two ingredients, swirl and......try to enjoy?

Here's to National Tequila Day!  May your cocktails taste 1000% better then the one I just tried!!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. I actually like tequila, but tequila and Kahlua doesn't even sound good to me. Could be a waste of good tequila and good Kahlua :)

    1. Oh Jan, I completely agree!! Don't waste your good tequila or Kahlua!!

  2. Sounds like an interesting mixture! But I love artisan raw tequila, it's flavor alone is a piece of art, like the bottles of tequila amor mío, have you seen them?

    1. Hi! I have not yet tried or seen the bottle of that tequila. I'll have to keep an eye out for it =)

    2. You will like the way is made, I have seen that the complexity of the bottle speaks too much about the quality of the liquor, there are some exclusive brands that use a technique we call in México "vidrio soplado" and you don't want to even open the bottle because you don't wanna ruin that beautiful piece of art!
