Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ghostly Uprising

This Ghostly Uprising shooter is perfect for Halloween.  It reminds me of the Brain Hemorrhage I made and has the same kind of consistency.  It's really a fun shooter to drink!

I am starting to feel the pressure of the holidays coming on already.  

We only have 6 days left of September and then it is a countdown.....oh's already been...until Halloween.  

Over the weekend our oldest daughter and I went shopping for her witch's costume at our local Halloween store.  Now she has known that she wants to be a witch for Halloween since July, so that part was easy.  

There were 4 different costumes for her to choose from and she decided on this one.  The only difference in the one pictured and the one she got was that the purple parts are not velvety on hers.  She chose a broom and necklace and I bought a variety of SUPER sparkly eye shadows for her, her little sister and I to use and we were set!

Phewph.......glad that's over.  

Now I will need to figure out decorations and a menu for our party.  

I have a fun Halloween Treats board on Pinterest with some ideas I've pinned.  I am always looking for more, so if you are not following me on Pinterest please do so and let me know you did so that I can follow you back.  Let's share some fun Halloween ideas, whether it's food, decorating or just something fun!

Today I created an interesting shooter.  

This one tasted pretty good.......except for me trying to swallow down that HUGE hunk of Irish Cream you see in the picture.  

After I made it my husband and I decided that we want to try to (and I say "try to" b/c we come up with great ideas.....and then......we have 4 kids.........and well......look we're here and we showed up and we're all dressed........yeay, big accomplishment!!) make a line of these (or something similar) on the bar and as people show up on Halloween, make them shoot one.  Fingers crossed we actually have time to do it.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Halloween cocktail, peach schnapps, Baileys vanilla cinnamon, Irish Cream liqueur, black vodka

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Halloween cocktail, peach schnapps, Baileys vanilla cinnamon, Irish Cream liqueur, black vodka

Here is the recipe for my Ghostly Uprising:

  • 1 ounce peach schnapps
  • 1 ounce Irish Cream vanilla cinnamon
  • 1/2 ounce black vodka
  • 1/4-1/2 ounce grenadine

In a shot glass, pour in the peach schnapps.  Next layer the Irish Cream on top.  Then layer the black vodka on top of that.  Now with a straw, drip the grenadine on top until the Irish Cream starts to lower into the peach schnapps.

Here's to the holidays coming whether we are ready or not!



  1. That looks so amazing and just in time for Halloween! Very creative! Pinned :)
    Julie@ Sweet and Spicy Monkey

  2. I use to drink peach schnapps ALL the time when I was younger. I bet I'd love this!

    Pinning it :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. It looks very impressive! Thanks for coming and linking up at The Weekend Social. All posts get pinned on our pinterest board! Please be sure to come back next week starting Thursdays at 9PM EST on! I hope to see you there!

  4. Looks yummy! Stopping by from Serendipity & Spice :)

  5. I want to try this!!! :-) Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." Hope you can join us again this week.

  6. Looks cool! I want to try this... and so many other recipes on your blog!
