Saturday, January 24, 2015

RIPE Bar Juice Review & Give Away

RIPE Bar Juice Review & Give Away

Somehow an entire month has gone by since I have posted last.  

Somehow I survived the past month.....somehow.  

Between our 4 Christmas parties, our Masquerade New Years Eve party, our good friends 40th "Prom Style" birthday party, our oldest's 16th (gasp.....I said 16th didn't I?) birthday and all of his basketball......somehow we made it!  

I thought January was going to go slow and allow us to ease into the new year.....WRONG!!  

Oh well, such is life.  Tonight we are going to celebrate my grandma's 99th birthday at her favorite Mexican restaurant, so that will be fun!

I was contacted by RIPE Bar Juice and asked if I would like to try their juices.  I agreed and they 2-day mailed me this variety of 6 different flavored a shipping cooler!   

I was sent a free product to review in exchange for my honest opinion.  All views in this post are mine and I was not compensated for them in any way. 

RIPE Bar Juices need to stay refrigerated and I will tell you they were nice and cool when I received them!  Once I took them out of their box, I put them right into the fridge.

I decided to tell you about the Bajan Punch and Classic Cosmopolitan for this review.

I tried both of these juices on their own before I mixed them up with alcohol.  They were both quite flavorful.  They would be great to drink in a glass with ice all on their own as well. 

 My first cocktail I mixed up was the Bajan Punch.  This recipe is right on the side of the bottle.

This cocktail was SUPER easy to make.  

Two ingredients, that's it!  

I mixed 2 ounces of gold rum and 4 ounces of Bajan Punch.  Shook them in a shaker and strained them into a cocktail glass filled with ice.  

Easy to make and a nice light refreshing taste.  Neither the rum, not the juice was overpowering.  I think I might make another one and do a 1:1 ratio to see how that tastes.

The second cocktail I made was a Cosmopolitan.  This recipe is right on the side of the bottle too.

Just like the Bajan Punch, this cocktail was super easy to make as well.  

I mixed 1 ounce of vodka and 2 ounces of the Cosmopolitan juice.  Shook and strained my cocktail into a martini glass.  Just that simple.  

Just like the Bajan Punch this cocktail had a nice light refreshing taste to it as well.

All in all, I like the RIPE Bar Juices!  

I am looking forward to trying more creations with them all.  Stay tuned see what I make!  

It's neat that they make happy hour that much easier!  Not a whole lot of mixing required. Just a few ingredients and you are ready to enjoy a nice cocktail. 

Here is a link to the RIPE website if you are interested in checking them out.

RIPE Bar Juices would like to send one lucky reader 2 bottles (of your choice) of their Bar Juices!  You can enter into the drawing below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The mojito looks good!

  2. I don't know if i want to win more than anyone else, but i do know my husband would like to try the cosmo drink.

  3. These look awesome! Would love to try them.

  4. I would really love to win! I love mixed drinks but we never have the mixers on hand (and those weird bottled ones in the aisle at walmart look a little suspicious)!

  5. Yummy...I would love to try these

  6. Yes Yes Please...I would love to try this

  7. Yes, this would make friday after work so much easier :)

  8. I really want to win! This is awesome!

  9. I wish i could buy this bar juice in Alberta Canada! I had a really nice refreshing drink down in Vegas! It was coconut water, pineapple juice and the agave mojito bar juice on ice and it was so good and refreshing!! If anyone knows if i can buy it here please let me know!!

  10. Very healthy and refreshing..I have never tried this combo before
    sports drinks
