Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cinnamon Chocolate Banana

Cinnamon Chocolate Banana

Cinnamon chocolate banana cocktail, chocolate whipped vodka, rum chata, banana liqueur, Godiva white chocolate liqueur

Happy New Year!  

It's officially 2016 and honestly that year seemed like a loooong long ways away........but apparently it's here and I am "supposedly" another year older.....which would make me 23?  




Oh wow......any-who, Happy New Year!  

Over the winter break our oldest (who will somehow be 17 in a matter of 9 days) had his wisdom teeth removed, all 4.  

Between all of our Christmas celebrations, our son's wisdom teeth being removed an New Years Eve, it's been an action packed, non-stop vacation.

I was looking through my bar and in the back I saw a bottle I used to have quite a good relationship with.  I pulled that bottle forward and decided to use it in tonight's cocktail.  

That bottle is none less then my banana liqueur!  Welcome back BL!!

The flavor I taste most in tonight's cocktail is the Rum Chata, specifically the cinnamon flavor in it.  

The first sip of this cocktail was CINNAMON-EY, yowza a bit intense, the following sips were a LOT better.  

The banana is hidden a bit in this cocktail but still there.  

Next time I make this cocktail I think I will dial down the Rum Chata and up the banana liqueur a bit.  Otherwise, it's a good cocktail!  If you are a Rum Chata fan, you will enjoy this one!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Cinnamon chocolate banana cocktail, chocolate whipped vodka, rum chata, banana liqueur, Godiva white chocolate liqueur

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cinnamon chocolate banana cocktail, chocolate whipped vodka, rum chata, banana liqueur, Godiva white chocolate liqueur

Here is my recipe for a Cinnamon Chocolate Banana:

  • 2 ounces chocolate whipped vodka
  • 1 ounce Rum Chata
  • 1 ounce banana liqueur
  • 1/2 ounce Godiva chocolate liqueur
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with whipped cream, sliced banana and crumbled graham crackers.

Here's to another year of opportunities!  Do you make New Years Resolutions?  I'd love to hear about them!


The Cocktail Lady


  1. Sounds delicious, my kind of drink! Pinning this, thanks :)

  2. This was the most viewed post from the last Try a New Recipe Tuesday. Congratulations! Be sure to stop by and grab an "I've been featured" button from my sidebar for your blog. :-) Your feature will be going live shortly. I hope you can join us again this week!

    1. Oh wonderful! Thank You!! Great, I'll get on creating something new!
