Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sour Grapefruit Margarita

Sour Grapefruit Margarita

Tomorrow being National Margarita Day gives us all a great excuse (like we need one) to try a new kind of margarita!  

I wanted to post this yesterday, but unfortunately the stomach bug that our youngest got, passed to her sister and then to me had me out of commission for the past few days.  

I am happy to say that I do feel like I am alive again and ready for a margarita!

A couple years ago for National Margarita Day two of our very good friends came over with their margarita machine and we started trying a couple different flavored margaritas.  One thing led to another......we had a few margaritas.......and other cocktails that I can't remember right now and decided that the BEST thing in the world to do was to create a rap song for our friends upcoming birthday.........accompanied with a music video.  

Oh yea, I said it........a music video.  

It ended up being a pretty good idea, b/c they ended up coming back over the next weekend and my husband recorded the song and he mashed it all together with background music (I don't have technical terms, b/c that's totally his thing) and beats and POOF, we had a soundtrack.

Anyways........onto today's cocktail.  

I wanted to create a margarita with Elderflower liqueur and grapefruit juice.  

I found a couple recipes online, combined them with one of mine and added more stuff to it.  

End result......sour.  

Not as sour as my first attempt (before I started adding stuff to it), but still kind of sour.  It's not bad, I'm totally drinking this margarita as I type, just sour.

What will you be drinking on National Margarita Day?  Any favorite flavors?  Prefer the classic margarita?  I'd love to hear from you!

Tomorrow being the BIG DAY, I present you with 18 different margarita's to choose from!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is my recipe for a Sour Grapefruit Margarita:

  • 2 ounces silver tequila
  • 1 1/2 ounces elderflower liqueur
  • 3 ounces grapefruit juice
  • 1/2 ounce lime juice
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • 1/2 ounce triple sec
  • 1/2 cup ice
In a blender, add all of the ingredients above.  Blend until your ice is completely gone.  Pour into a salted or non-salted glass.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday (yes it's totally a holiday)!  With all of these choices, I know I will!!


The Cocktail Lady

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it looks yummy! Thanks for the recipe. I love grapefruit and always add them in my morning Green drink as it greatly enhances the taste. At times, I add sweet fruits too so my kids could also drink it without any complaints.
